Thursday, January 29, 2009

Can't seem to ever finish a post...

Between working and mommying, I can't seem to finish any of my blog posts -- this is bothering me...

So, I signed up for twitter -- wundarous

Maybe I'll get some ideas out...

or maybe it will be random thoughts that make no sense..

Either way, no excuses not to add a sentence here and there!


wendy said...

I think I love you too... oh wait! Who are you??

Anonymous said...

Why C# over Visual Basic.Net? Don't they all compile to MSIL?


Dave81 said...

I would say that C# is more modern language. It is simple but effective. My main reasons to choose C# are ReSharper and Windows (in case you wonder why not java).

Anonymous said...

Sure you can do pretty much the same thing with C# and VB.NET.

C# is way more readable than VB (that actually looks aweful imho) however. Then there's ReSharper as Dave81 mentioned. Resharper is invaluable.

Chris Brind said...

just to let you know, that i found you by doing an image search for agile (you were 2nd) and then 'test driven development' (you were 1st). :)

Jeff R said...

I did a google image search of 'software developer' and your profile image was 1st...

Unknown said...

would like to know more about your experiences in following agile methodology.
Do you have designers working with you? How do they find this new working style?

Anonymous said...

i genuinely adore your own posting type, very charming,
don't give up and also keep creating for the simple reason that it just well worth to read it,
excited to see a whole lot more of your own well written articles, have a good one :)